Today I’m beginning my run through of the three( plus one! ) machine learning textbooks I’ve chosen to get a better handle on the subject area and the field I want to go into. I plan to go over these textbooks in some capacity over the next month, August. The textbooks are:

  • The Elements of Statistical Learning (Second Edition)
  • The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Textbook (First Edition)
  • Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Tensorflow, and Keras (Second Edition)
  • +1 Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners (Third Edition)

I don’t plan to go over each textbook in detail, I’ll more likely be going over The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Textbook closely, and supplementing with the other textbooks. I hope to finish the Hundred-Pager a bit early, so that I can go over the other textbooks again and pick up any bits and pieces missing. And of course, there are projects! And exercises! And other things surely! Which I hope to do some of, but since I’m just starting and have no idea how consistent I’ll be, I’m going to keep the expectations low.